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Why you should not buy MBBS seat in India by donation?

Every year, thousands of students pass their 12th examination with high grades. These students apply in various colleges in India and abroad to get admission in MBBS. But these days, it is becoming a business of booking a seat in a medical college at a very high price which leads to a shortage of seats for the deserving students. Also the cost of complete MBBS degree in India rises to more than double the actual price. Many students, who can afford to pay donation to the top universities and colleges, get admission very easily despite of their grades and entrance examination results. This whole process has led to a great trouble for the deserving students who cannot pay such high prices.
But there is a good news for the students who actually deserve good quality education. Russia offers a great opportunity for the aspiring students to fulfill their dreams. There are many reputed colleges and universities in Russia that offer high quality medical education and that too at a very low cost as compared to India. The Russian medical universities are recognized by the world’s major organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO and the Medical Councils of many other countries. This gives and edge to the students who complete their MBBS from Russian medical universities. They can easily apply and work in any part of the world. Even the Indian students who are willing to come back to India after their graduation, can come back and work here after clearing the national examination conducted by the MCI. 
Demerits of getting a seat in India on donation:
1. If a student gets a seat on donation in a private college in India, he/she may not get the quality of education they have paid for. The faculty in many colleges is inexperienced.
2. The infrastructure in most of the private colleges is not up to the mark. Some of the private colleges do not have the necessary infrastructure to conduct day to day experiments.
3. Usually private colleges are situated in rural areas. Such colleges make poor patients inflow and the travel time between the colleges to a nearest town also makes it a tedious job.
4. So if a student pays high fees for MBBS, he/she may not get the right quality of education and infrastructure.
Russian government has always been keen in maintaining the standard of higher education. The universities and colleges in Russia are well equipped with up to date technology and infrastructure. The students are allowed to go for clinical rounds with their seniors or mentors. Even the students are encouraged to participate in various seminars, projects and inter college conferences. All these factors help the students to get the rght kind of education and training. The students from Russian universities successfully get hired in big and reputed hospitals and companies.
Thus, instead of going for a seat in India on donation, why not get admission in a Russian medical university and that too at a very low cost.


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